From the Desk of John McLees…
New resources linked to the website reflect the increasing accessibility of important information through online presentations, both:
Live online events, including:
- University of Chicago Law School Discussions on Policing
- at noon on Wednesdays from June 30 through August 12
- Register at:
And archived briefings, webinars, podcasts and colloquia, including:
- The University of Chicago Law School June 12, 2020 Colloquium on the Crisis in Policing:
Available here.
- The NEW Chasing Justice Podcast – with Chesa Boudin, San Francisco State’s Attorney
- Subscribe or listen to all episodes to date at: on subjects that include:
- Race Policing and Protest with James Forman, Jr.
- Modern Civil Rights Movements with Angela Davis
- Prosecutorial Discretion with Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx
- The Personal is Political with San Francisco State’s Attorney Chesa Boudin and
- An Epidemic within an Epidemic: The Drug Crisis with Dr. Leana Wen
We hope that you will find the time to watch or listen to some of them and that you will continue your advocacy and continue to read the important reports on criminal justice issues that are coming to us with increasing frequency. New reports added to the “Other Sources of Ideas and Information” section of the website include:
- “Failing Grades: State Response to COVID-19 in Jails and Prisons” from the Prison Policy Institute and the ACLU: and
- “Can We Eliminate the Youth Prison (And What Should We Replace It With?)” from the Square One Project of the Columbia University Justice Lab: